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Photo du rédacteur: NORACEDNORACED

EGO - my 6th album is OUT NOW. My songs are available everywhere. Just search for Noraced Love it. Share it. Stream it. Your support means more than you could ever imagine.

I can't believe I am sitting here, introducing you this project I have been working on for the past two years. 11 songs reflecting what I have been going through lately. I have always made music and I always will. My debut album was "the 3rd Therapy" and it still makes sense to me that writing lyrics on my own allowed me to deal with issues and uncomfortable situations. I have discovered what love truly was these last couple of years. Loving someone unconditionally is not always an easy thing, especially when you're cut out for lonely creating times. I'm still processing actually, haha. But it feels right. Right in time. In the right place. Don't blame me if I oftentimes sound "dramatic" in my lyrics. I just love that. I have never worked so hard on any other album, I guess my perfectionism is getting worse. These endless recording sessions really took a lot of energy, a lot of patience but it was all worth it in the end.

I want to thank @tombaileymusic for making this album with me. I feel understood and complete when we work together. Thank you @clementguegan for shooting all the promotional pictures and videos. You are a genius and I won't stop repeating it. I also want to thank my family, my closest friends and every one who has been involved in this project.

I am so proud of this album. I hope you will love it as much as I do.

Love, Noraced

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